hi, i'm marika, and I am a writer
and life coach
I am all about exploring:
my screw-ups riding the loops of the #momlife rollercoaster
my never-ending tango with productivity, perfectionism and worthiness
the shifts that can help us stretch our arms all the way around the messy in-between times of this lovely life.
I wrote a book about teaching writing to second graders and my work has appeared in numerous educational journals.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my barbecue-obsessed husband, my video-game-obsessed 12-year-old son, and my musical-theater-obsessed 10-year-old daughter.
I'm the one you'll find hiding in plain sight on the couch, obsessed with asking all the questions and devising experiments that might steer me toward some answers.
I'm delighted you're here.
I keep a Love List on my phone of all of my favorite things in life and dream of one day having a Favorite Things party where the theme would just be all of my favorite things together in one place at once! (Of course we would invite Julie Andrews to come and sing the "Favorite Things" song!)
Here's a snapshot:
Being hot (temperature not looks!)
Birds (especially hummingbirds)
Wearing a hat (see “being hot”)
Mexican stuff
Accapella singing
Mint tea
Trees (and hugging them)
Kettle corn

Ditching Perfect for Joy
What a Qigong Grandmaster, Meghan Trainor, and a pandemic pity party taught me.